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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint from ghost about player buttons1206 ,

Who are you reporting? buttons1206 ,

Date of incident Sep 2, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ 1.5

Describe the incident i had the boat and i was sitting behind a rock near spawn as many player do and engaging enemy heli or boats or jets and this player came spawn on me and start saying in the chat if i dont move he will c4 me i didn't take it serious where he did it for the first time as you see in the link v1 and then i] respawn again in boat same player came to me and he start again threating to c4 an he plant it on the boat and blow it up and also player [wawa]Howiemandel01 was encouraging him to do it before he switch to the enemy team as they are winning ( link v1 second 5 )