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Complaint Handled Complaint from ghost about player mitchellpichette & utraganush

Who are you reporting? mitchellpichette & utraganush

Date of incident Jun 30, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ 1.5

Describe the incident we was enjoying our time on bz1.5 as usual before these 2 joined and they literally killed the server by there act they spent all the round grieving and teamkilling and stealing vehicles and the most annoying thing that lets say you have aa they push you with lav or tank out of the map zone to die or as you can see in the video they jump in front to kill them and get kicked from the server or if you are flying with them they ditch the heli to the ground and they jump to kill you we lost the full round after we almost controlled all flags because of there acts i hope and wish they will be punished hard for there act that ruin the game


Power Tripper 9000
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
mitchell has a current perm ban, and ultra currently has a temp ban active from toast's report of this incident. Let us know if Ultra continues.