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Complaint Handled Complaint from Grim9O7 about player 0MFGEP1C-


Who are you reporting? 0MFGEP1C-

Date of incident Aug 25, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ1

Describe the incident first is suspected no recoil as he took me down through the windshield of a scout helicopter with a g18 almost instantly.

second video is spectating him and it looks like hes using walls or a map hack to know where people are.


1:03 2:55 4:50 6:44 8:05 11:45
in the moment it looks like total bullshit but the more i watch the more i can get behind it... could just me being a bit slow yesterday idk.
4:50 is hard to swallow though still unless somebody told him as the guy didnt fire...
same for 6:44
i would get spraying at 11:45 since it just happened and his pausing right before that could be checking the map, but aiming right on the head? could be luck but...