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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Appeal Denied Complaint from Holy about player holyfreakincrap

In-game Name holyfreakincrap

Date of incident Jan 17, 2018

What game were you playing? bf4

Which server were you on? Banzore BF4 Hardcore METRO/PEARL

Describe the incident I was kicked/banned without warning, by over zealous admin. My team was losing, not sure why. Yes I was razzing the other team, but that is just headgames. Is this hardcore or kindercore?


You're Never Right!
I am the one that issued a punish point to you and by doing so, it resulted in a 1-day temp ban for you. I did it for the intentional TK you did on your teammates when you laid C-4 and TKed 3 of them intentionally. You have a history of not following the rules as is the case with this temp ban. The ban will not be lifted, and if you decide to continue to play in the bZ servers, I suggest you reread the server rules carefully or the next time it may result in a perma-ban.
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