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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from IWillEatYourGlue about player Justavet

Who are you reporting? Justavet

Date of incident Sep 20, 2020

Which server were you on? BZ 1 Hardcore

Describe the incident Kept getting teamkilled in uncap by Justavet. His reasoning was that I shouldn't be camping with vehicles in uncap. He was uncooperative when I attempted to explain the rules to him.


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
You TKd him more than he TKd you...

[18:31:35] ProconRulz: Justavet TEAMKILLED IWillEatYourGlue
[18:31:41] ProconRulz: DeafGamerDucky TEAMKILLED Justavet
[18:33:51] ProconRulz: IWillEatYourGlue TEAMKILLED Justavet
[18:35:17] ProconRulz: IWillEatYourGlue TEAMKILLED Justavet