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Complaint Handled Complaint from j0p3s about player H3MP_ismy_H4CKs


Who are you reporting? H3MP_ismy_H4CKs

Date of incident Oct 27, 2020

Which server were you on? https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/3adab552-d762-44bb-8ea7-1dad0df07e53/bZ-2-HARDCORE-Locker-Metro-Pearl-BANZORE-COM/

Describe the incident I told him to read the rules regarding shooting into enemy base unprovoked. Spawned several times with him shooting m320's into our base on E and i died 2 times.

His response was:" mimi boludo! "
Which translated roughly means:" Don't care fucker! "

Screenshot of a kill totally unprovoked:
Gotta love them Brasilians coming into the server with high ping!


-bZ- Member
Do you have a video? It would help support the claim that it was unprovoked. Especially from spawning in then getting killed.


You're Never Right!
he actually does this frequently, I've warned him in the past as well.
We won't tell Neo ;) :cool: