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Complaint Handled Complaint from j0p3s about player jahnfabian


Who are you reporting? jahnfabian

Date of incident Oct 23, 2020

Which server were you on? https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/3adab552-d762-44bb-8ea7-1dad0df07e53/bZ-2-HARDCORE-Locker-Metro-Pearl-BANZORE-COM/

Describe the incident He tk'ed me on purpose because i kicked him out of the squad because he joins squads, takes the lead and kicks everyone out of them.

TK'ed with on reason!

Evidence: https://prnt.sc/v4ztco

He turned to me and shot me on purpose
He's usually a rude who spends his time insulting people and doing tk's on purpose and not only does he change squad, he also changes sides to do the same, he did it against me on repeated occasions. Obviously he donates to be able to do this kind of thing.


Christmas man
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I have a feeling he won’t be around much longer. Donations do not mean you get any other perks than the ones listed on our website. I’ll look into it later today.