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Complaint Handled Complaint from j0p3s about player str1k3rqc


Who are you reporting? str1k3rqc

Date of incident Aug 27, 2022

Which server were you on? https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e868c039-ab9e-4eaf-afd6-49009414f2df/bZ1-5-HARDCORE-VANILLA-MAPS-BANZORE-COM/

Describe the incident i played this round with a friend in the attack heli:
and the guy was in the enemy team and i guess he got pissed we were beating him and an effective duo.
So what does he do? Next round, the round starts and he tk's me with a mbt law 3 times! Yes i did tk him after the first tk and called in out on it and he kept doing it in less than 30 seconds...
Proof of tk's as soon as the round started (first tk was right after i deployed in base):
I don't have video because the tk was 5 seconds after the round started


He tk'ed me in the round of Rogue Transmission which was this round:


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Thank you for your complaint.
Unfortunately we require video evidence for tks.
It provides the needed context in the situation.
I’m going to let both of you off with just a punish as you both need to knock it off.
In the future it doesn’t matter if they tk you first, do not tk back.
Let them lay in their bed the way they make it, no need to unnecessarily share in the punishment.
Let me know if you have any questions.


Don't have any further questions! I seriously need to stop being lazy and actually record my matches lol
Thanks buddy