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Complaint Handled Complaint from Kokaiinikarhu about player oMzKiLLa1996o

Who are you reporting? oMzKiLLa1996o

Date of incident Mar 14, 2022

Which server were you on? bz9

Describe the incident This is essentially just a counter complaint to be able to provide my view of the incident.

In the first clip you can see a part of my side from the complaint that omzkilla made about me

( https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-omzkilla1996o-about-player-kokaiinikarhu.12033/ )


The clip doesnt show it in its entirety because i cant record that far back, but at the start of the round GOXYthaSERB was in a different tank and we went in the same direction which ended up with me accidentally ramming him and he shot me in the rear of my tank, nearly destroying it and continued to do so and killed me. If you can check the logs you can see me reporting him and him admitting it in the chat why he shot me. He got into the tank after that and refused to leave even tho i asked him to, and proceeded to destroy the tank as shown in the clip. When I spawned in the new tank I teamkilled him again because he would have just gotten into the other tank and the problem would have continued and he would have refused to leave the tank again. (Why i didnt want him inside the tank was that he would have most likely stolen it if i went out to repair it) After this the matter was resolved to me and he changed teams or got moved.

omzkilla is essentially been harassing me every time we've been on the server same time and the reason for it is as petty as this shown in the next clip of the same video. (Same map happened a while back)

I took the AA and he went in the Viper and proceeded to damage it critically which forced me to TK him or i would have been tk'd and lost the AA. Which occured again with the other person in the Viper who i admittedly killed by i got shot by a rocket or something at first and assumed it was him, whos also shown in shooting my AA tank with an RPG.

In the final clip you can see his behaviour against me, I was waiting for the Viper to spawn with him and another person and he decided to insult me for absolutely no reason. Hes behaviour towards me has continously after that AA incident been similar, insulting and harassing.

I've had no problem with this so far since im able to shut him out but he decided to be petty in this matter and tries to get me banned by reporting this incident that he is completely irrelevant to.

I understand that i've TK'd in these situations aswell but they have essentially been incidents where im forced to tk or i get tk'd.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Kokaiinikarhu: 1D temp ban for Intentional TKs
oMzKiLLa1996o: 1D temp ban for team griefing
skyklop123: Punished
GOXYthaSERB: Punished

Getting griefed does not entitle you to blatantly teamkilled them back.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
That would be ideal. In this instance, two wrongs do not make a right. Another player breaking the rules does not entitle others to do the same as a form of street justice.