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Complaint Handled Complaint from MojaveWstelander about player BigBadBagOfSwag

Who are you reporting? BigBadBagOfSwag

Date of incident Jul 20, 2022

Which server were you on? BZ1

Describe the incident So, I was doing the hovercraft glitch, Wich I know now that isn't allowed, and I've already appealed, both here and at BA, BA people have heard me about it, but here it got denied. Anyway, I just want to point out that I Clearly didn't knew it was bannable, and I barely had time to stop what I where doing. Nope, I'm not asking to revert my ban, I'm just saying that I barely had time to defend myself. Check the video, "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkAu6ZtbNhs", I was comment about how funny and yet how useless it was, and Agent and Sabre tooth told me wasn't allowed and I could get banned for it, so literally few seconds ago BigBadBagofSwag banned me, with little to no time for me to defend myself, had no time to stop doing it, neither had the chance to ask for forgiveness. So yeah, I think that's uncool and in my opinion is an clear case of admin abuse, since I didn't knew it wasn't allowed. I've always had a good behavior in servers, and also had a good rep, always avoided team kills, and also played the objectives, wich in my didn't account for nothing, so, next time, please consider to ask the person commiting this glitch, or any other harmless glitch, to stop doing it, and tell them it ain't allowed, so they may not be punished without knowing the consequence of its actions. Good day fellas, enjoy the game...


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This is handled.