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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Moridin_Tedronai about player spodora

Who are you reporting? spodora

Date of incident Jun 2, 2021

Which server were you on? 10 - goldmund dom

Describe the incident Less a report, more a BOLO. Dude went 23-0 for the first part of the round. When I rejoined as a spectator, he proceeded to go 4-6 for the rest of the round. He also was running a bolt action up until I started spectating, then he ran assault the rest of the time. Even when teammates were hiding he was always finding them. Significant change in gameplay as well as performance as soon as someone started spectating, would be good to keep an eye out for other reports coming on him.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Not seeing anything too crazy in his match statistics. Let us know if you're able to get some footage though.
Yeah I checked stats too and they aren't sus really at all. If its bot, he has it set for body shots. It was more the issue of finding even hidden folks who were camped out not moving and going 23 zip until spectated then playing like hot garbage. I'll keep an eye out when I see him, figured I'd get him on your radar as well in case you notice something odd as well.