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Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player SunTayHo

Who are you reporting? SunTayHo

Date of incident Mar 9, 2022

Which server were you on? BZ11

Describe the incident Player is using an LAV speed/multihack.

First, the 25mm HE does 8-10 damage to the attack heli; and you only have 12 rounds. This means you need to shoot (and hit) 10-12 shells to take down a heli. You can see in the video, once he kills me, he continues to spam multiple rounds. Secondly, he is firing wayyy faster than is possible with the LAV. You can see after we die, the camera pans back and he is shooting ridiculously fast into the air. This is eerily similar to a player I encountered and reported 12 days ago; Ail-is-Weli (https://battlefield.agency/player/a682b95f-ec5a-42dd-ba26-7df9ce09b1bd).

Quick little test for further evidence. As you can see, once the heli is dead, you're out of ammo. No way to continue lobbing rounds into the air. Also, you can see I'm firing drastically slower than SunTayHo.
Banned at BA, he joined bZ 2 and some people there thought he was using a revive hack, reviving everyone that died or something.

I mean clearly he just has a better gaming chair than you, one of those DXRacer's or something.

Thanks for the report though! Banned.