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Complaint from ohknees about player ohknees

In-game Name ohknees

Date of incident Nov 18, 2017

What game were you playing? Battlefield 4

Which server were you on? BanZore.com HC Conquest ALL Maps#Vote#Fast Vehicle Spawn#

Describe the incident Was handed a punishment for GRIEFING when I had not done anything to deserve it. One of the admins seems to think I stole his tank when it was someone else.

I had literally just joined the game and spawned into a tank from uncap. Little bit unfair to be honest.


-bZ- Member
jumping into a tank while someone is repairing it then trying to run someone down is considered griefing. i warned u verbally and yet you continued. i gave you 2 more warnings after you fired on my atv and yet you continued. that got you a point warning. I can completely understand you spawning in the tank only we were not in spawn. and im pretty sure it wasn't someone else my friend it was you. you were in my squad.so play on.
if you truly feel it was a misunderstanding and you were pointed unfairly and as long as you do not cause any issues in the server i will remove the point. plz play nice. have fun. feel free to jump in our ts and chat it up.