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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from oMZ96o about player Howiemandel01 , PegazX-CRO-

Who are you reporting? Howiemandel01 , PegazX-CRO-

Date of incident Feb 4, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ1

Describe the incident Attack uncap.
I saw him in a better position as i took off, so i used my right to "not be attacked in uncap" and landed straight away because why would i engage in a losing fight, since the other heli has the the higher ground already by attacking our base when they do not have full cap. The pilot is PegazX-CRO- with whom i have beef since the bz9 days and have already reported multiple times in the past i believe.
(The bullet i shot at first is not at anyone, its just a trick to get 1 extra magazine in the heli).
Eventually Howie was the one to kill me and legit steal my heli out of the base, so i asked him nicely to give it back or i would report him, he declined and told me "ill punch your face so hard your mom wont be able to recognize it" or something of that sort.

