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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Razz about player FFEE1987


Who are you reporting? FFEE1987

Date of incident Jan 20, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ1

Describe the incident Intentional TK. To give you some context, I was alt / tab'd out of game and got back in and saw a spawn point on FORETOLD in the attack chopper so I spawned on him. He said that the gunner was repairing, and before I could get out the gunner FFEE1987 just fuckin up and tk'd me, then said sorry wrong guy... How the fuck you "tk" the wrong guy when you should not be tking anyway. Then he goes on about how he was gonna repair and pulled out the wrong "tool" blah blah. FORETOLD said he was already repairing and blatantly pulled out his pistol and splattered my brains on the right side of the choppers wind screen....


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