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Complaint Handled Complaint from RightButton about player Koreanmarine

Who are you reporting? Koreanmarine

Date of incident Sep 13, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ 1

Describe the incident https://banzore.com/bf4-stats/index.php?sid=1&pid=2251957&p=player

Player named Koreanmarine intentionally team griefing. Potentially team killing too. Will try to attach video evidence below.
Here's the video below, unedited.

If you look at the video below, near the 06:50 mark, you can see on the chat people were already complaining about him.
Near the 08:05 mark, I spawn on the base, and it takes me a few moments to notice what was going on. I think the other person was recording for evidence too.
08:35 I get shot for no real reason.
Between 09:07 and 09:25 you can see a helicopter spawns, Koreanmarine throws a mine on it, and said mine explodes after a few moments.
