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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from simpso about player Slave_Data

Who are you reporting? Slave_Data

Date of incident Nov 2, 2023

Which server were you on? bZ11

Describe the incident Slave_Data has been consistently grifting ROF on bZ11 every night. If you check the chat logs you will see this. He is also making constant sweeping accusations of ROF platoon members hacking and being generally toxic beyond what is normal "gamer talk". For example, wishing people to "get cancer and die". These levels of toxicity are consistent, every single night.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Please review our ingame rules. We don't police chat to this extent, if it bothers you, feel free to press your H key. If we banned every player who said," I hope you get cancer and die", you'd be playing on near empty servers. I'd bet some of your ROF members would get the boot as well.

If he is violating our rules by griefing ingame, please capture video evidence and provide it to us to review.
Seems like it might fit the bill - switching to the opposing team of who holds charlie every time it switches for easy kills. Back on the main point, however, there will be extensive chat logs if you pull his name (including use of a banned word that goes unnamed). What is the threshold for banning for toxicity, or more specifically, what is the definition of it? Others have been banned for this same behavior if my memory serves correct - does toxicity only apply to in-game behavior (e.g. teamkilling, spamming commands)?


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
If someone needs to switch teams in order to get easy kills, that goes to show how much skill they have.
I'm not going to search through thousands of chat inputs when you won't tell me what I'm looking for, I value my time far too much.

Feel free to search on your own - https://banzore.com/bf4-stats/index.php?p=chat.

Toxicity bans are very rare. They usually take a culmination of rule violations as well as extensive toxicity in the chat that detracts from gameplay. If someone is responding to others in the chat who are being equally as toxic, hopefully you'd see how it's a slippery slope to deal with. Generally, the best course of immediate action is for you or your clan to all press "H" and ignore them. If you don't feed it, it will stop.