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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from SlopzW about player code47name

Who are you reporting? code47name

Date of incident Nov 22, 2021

Which server were you on? https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/5cac302a-075b-4783-a1e8-cd96e4f5a951/bZ9-HARDCORE-ALL-MAPS-BANZORE-COM/

Describe the incident code47name doesn't like his M1 Abrams much, so what does he do?

He teamkills his teammate with the LAV so he can respawn and take it, obviously!


He was also reported by another player for intentional TK the map before (Giants of Karelia).


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Thank you for the report, the plot thickens. Based on the previous handling of a report on him:

Course of action: Terminated

As for you, two wrongs do not make a right.