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Complaint Handled Complaint from SMRose1990 about player Timoti2210 & ramale90

Who are you reporting? Timoti2210 & ramale90

Date of incident Jul 20, 2024

Which server were you on? 1.5 (I think)

Describe the incident I spawned in the attack helo from spawn screen. Timoti kept demanding I get out of the gunner seat, I didn't. His friend ramale comes to the helo and kills me for the seat, which I fired the gun at the ground as I died killing him. There proceeds to be an exchange where I shot and killed them back (yes I broke the rules, it sucks not being able to !report directly in the server) after he claimed not getting out of the gunner seat was grounds to be TKed. They continued to shoot at me and kill me, and after the 3rd or 4th time of being TKed between the both of them I finally recorded. Unfortunately, the person in my helo also got TKed by these asswipes. I don't have video editing software so sorry for the long video, it can be skipped towards the end to see the TK.

They were both back at it again today. I had multiple videos taken of them TKing for the helo yet again, unfortunately the last few ended up as nothing but a black screen. Here's at least one at the end of the round the started doing it, and it continued in to the next