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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from striker about player Dad_E_Razz / TAW BEERUS

Who are you reporting? Dad_E_Razz / TAW BEERUS

Date of incident Mar 19, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ 1.5

Describe the incident Repeated toxic instances / threats. I am sick and tired of these guys. I've got enough proof of Beerus being rude and using slurs against me and Razz straight up refusing to exit the helicopter which I am certain is a rule here - where the pilot asks someone to leave and they dont do it.

I've got multiple screenshots and videos. Will take time to upload.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
While you are free to post whatever evidence you may have, it would probably be best for you to just press "H". We also do not have any rules that state you have to exit the vehicle if requested by the pilot / driver.

We allow our players to ask someone to leave but if they refuse, they're allowed to. The only rule we have similar to this is if you hop out to repair, we do not allow players to steal vehicles.
I was still trying to ask him to exit the helicopter which you said i had the right to do. I took off later in the clips which is obvious because we got shot - i only sat there for a minute and did that in hopes of getting my pilot.