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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from UbiquitousBF about player Koshmenk

Who are you reporting? Koshmenk

Date of incident Aug 2, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ1

Describe the incident I was just trying to fly with a buddy when Koshmenk was able to get the heli first, so I waited at base until they died. Then my buddy joined me again. It looks like Koshmenk is going to let us get the next turn, but instead he goes to get the transport to do the common griefing technique where you throw it in front of other players holding E at spawn to remove them from the vehicle spawn you want. Obviously, this is not what the vehicles are there for and once he removes it from the transport pad, no one can spawn on it, so I begin to destroy it so it spawns faster for the team. He couldn't be convinced that this was breaking rule 1, so I'm posting so it doesn't continue as he's a regular.
