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Complaint Handled Complaint from Uriaz_Heteo about player CHITOWNnuke

Who are you reporting? CHITOWNnuke

Date of incident Sep 6, 2022

Which server were you on? Banzore #1.5

Describe the incident The thing goes like this: the previous match(Siege) i swich to CN to help because they were losing and my guy here he took the AH and literally went to get shot by the tank by landing infront on him(I guess he got mad because i kept killing him when i was on US), then BY ACCIDENT, i killed him ONE time, and then, my guy went retard mode, and, start killing everyone with a lav on spawn. In the next map, Dawnbreaker, my guy the first thing he did was getting in a mrap and start shooting at me for some unknow reason, i did told him that was an accident, but he went on a retard trip of "You will regret messing with me" bs, and did everything i already write lol.
