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Complaint Handled Complaint from Uriaz_Heteo about player punchKiller9837 PuNcHarello

Who are you reporting? punchKiller9837 PuNcHarello

Date of incident Sep 10, 2022

Which server were you on? Banzore #11 Siege 24/7

Describe the incident The guys, besides putting C4 on the spawn(there is reports of this) on Transport and AH, decided to be a retard and get in the AH just to crash the heli, or get inside the gunner seat and don't shoot a single time, and every time i got close to the ground he and the other one, would either do nothing, shot at tv, or start shooting the 30mm, if i got out of the pilot seat he will stole the AH and let me to die lol.

PS: He did have a torch, my guy just to do the same bs of steal the AH
Not to tell the admin how to do their job, but, the grief of this two retards killed the server and people kept leaving(as you can see), they were warned by the other players, but, they say didn't care for a ban.
Salsa pls, be an "angry" salsa and perma ban