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Complaint from Whodat about player Whodat-NFL

In-game Name Whodat-NFL

Date of incident Yesterday

What game were you playing? BF4

Which server were you on? Fast Spawn

Describe the incident Ok dudes, I've been playing on your server for a looong time. Like the fast vehicle spawn, and like that it stays active. I do sometimes think that the server name should be changed to 24/7 Siege on Shanghai though lol.

Anyway, this Dude named Prec1sion1, who you guys almost banned, I see, for being a dick if nothing else, has got me a little riled to say the least.

Incident: Operation Mortar. I get the AA and head to the islands behind the main island. He apparently doesn't like this and promptly TK's me. He says I'm wasting the AA (and quite a few expletives in there as well). But it is of my opinion, in a map where there is only one AA, and controlled by a flag, possession of the AA is at the utmost importance. But that is neither here nor there. The fact that he TK's me because HE doesn't like the way I'm playing..... well that's absurd. So now my mission when I see him in a server is to make his gameplay as unenjoyably as possible.

I did this tonight in your server (spawning on him, and forcing him to tk me with the tank, hoping he would get kicked.... and then ramming him over and over with my tank). Childish, I know...... but he starts shit with me and talks down do me like he is a God, well I just can't let it go.

He then goes to your TS and has Vegeta ban me for an hour... in essence a time-out. For TKing? LOL! I'm sure Vegeta didn't get the whole story.... so there it is. I'm a 50 year old man who plays this game for stress relief more than anything else. I don't need punks like that driving up my blood pressure lol.

And while I'm here, my 12 year old kid got banned a few years back. Can't imagine why.... her KD ratio has to be less than 5%. She doesn't play anymore, but my stepson does use that account, and he can't play in your server with me. If you could check on that, I would appreciate it.

DC - [DCBB]Whodat
You did not get temp banned for an hour your got punished, which means that you have several offences. There has been several reports of you not doing what they say or what you like and you tk them because of it. So by your own logic you have found it apon yourself to admin the server for yourself. If there is an issue with someone then report them and we will handle it, but when we go in there and see you acting like the way you do nothing we can do but take action on the person acting like an ass. You have several tk punishes seems this is a reoccurring issue. Please use the !report (player name) (reason) function. Stop taking issues into your own hands.


-bZ- Member
LOL WHODAT thanks for coming in. we will take care of the issues Do not be one of them plz dude. ty


You already have a record sir. Please use the report function accordingly instead of continuing to cause problems. I am very glad you like our server and hope you continue to play here often. If I am not mistaken I had to punish you just a few days before this recent incident as we'll. When you team kill a player 2X in a single game I am automatically alerted of it. It does not help that not just Precision but other players where complaining about you. From now on any additional !Punish you obtain from a admin will automatically result in a ban with a extended period of time eventually leading to a permanent ban. Just be cool. Play the game and try to have a good time. We are very merciful here and give players many chances instead of a outright ban. The punishes you accumulate in game don't just kill you, they add up and as you can see now lead to more severe consequences. I hope to see you in the server soon so I can kick you're ass haha, just be cool and you won't have any problems or receive any unwanted attention, have a good one.
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