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I'm posting a quick message to let you know that today i was playing on your server and i got kick by one of your members: KazumaOwnsYou.

The reason of my kick was the fact that I was killing him... I don't know to what kind of people you are giving your admins rights, and i don't know what you are going to do about this, but for me this is totally unfair... Being kick from a server for being better than another player... I'm not the kind of person who comes on a server and insult everyone, i came back after being kick and i did insult KazumaOwnsYou. I was extremly pissed. I was having one of the best score of my team and i'm getting kick for killing a player?

I just wanted you guys to know that. Now i hope that you will reconsider to who you are giving your admin rights and for you to know what kind of person this KazumaOwnsYou really is when none of you are on the server.

I won't play on your server anymore for sure, which is a shame as i liked it.

Ps: i apologize if i haven't post this message in the right section.

Thanks for posting , I was not in the server at the time this happened. I will have Kazuma post a reply with his reason for kicking you.
I saw 2 team kills from you and then u got kicked for the 3rd. Maybe you should watch your aim.

btw that was an auto kick
Thank you for taking time to answer me.

I'm not here to argue.

I know what i saw, i got kicked right after i killed you. I didn't do any TK. As i was with a sniper rifle and i know who my enemy is.
our server has an auto kick feature for 3 tk's. This may have been the prob. We will never kick anybody for being "better than us "

No hard feelings , your more than welcome back in the server if you like.
Well that is the only reason you would have gotten kicked for. As i do have admin powers i do not use them, just to lazy to type out the command(s) and name(s). i could care less if someone kills me 100 times its just a game. so idk why you got kicked.
First, thanks for stopping by our forums and playing in our server!

Second, I have been kicked multiple times from our server for TK's, even though I don't recall actually TK'ing. I know it happens.

Third, just about anybody you see with the [bZ] tags has admin power. NONE of us like to exercise this power. It is the last line of defense.

You are more than welcome in our server anytime. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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