DayZ Server?

Uh... hello, a while ago i joined BZ because of the Dayz server! What happened? Is it dead? i had so much fun with it...
It's been up for awhile now, we're doing the Origins thing! Check us out, but watch your back, that thing is full of bad guys!

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Probably just as soon as they release the DayZ standalone. We have a bunch of blood, sweat and tears poured into this server. So do a lot of pubbers. We may open additional servers, in fact, I think we might already have additional servers, but the Origins server is our number one, go-to DayZ server.

You should check it out. Put "banzore" in your server filter box, hit enter, and get sucked in!
or suk on dis 8=====D lol

I cant remember if we have 2 dayz servers, one of the dayz admins pls post below if we do
We still have origins server, but folks are playing on a lingor server right now. Its a dayz by dayz thing.

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