DDOS Rumors

lol mad because Krasnovmessiah didnt quite pan out.
I have no idea what this means. You seem insulted by my joking remark made about French Canadians who, unlike Brazilians ( on the internet ), I hold no particularly strong feelings - negative or positive - towards.
It's about hate none the less dip shit, based on the same shitiness as racism. You're too dumb for this, go make my bagel. Point still stands: Indians most racist people on Earth. Fix your shit.

Here is your "waaaah it's Indian hate I'm an absolute fucking pussy":

View attachment 14226
This book is correct. What is your issue with it? The figure on the left is beautiful. The figure on the right is clearly ugly. Perhaps you're too fixated on race and skin color ( which are not the same thing ) yourself if you are drawing any kind of conclusion about the racial sensitivities of the author(s).
You are falling for people looking to bait others into bullshit...

If it was truly a DDoS, then nobody would be able to see the servers online, or sit in spectator for hours on end while the server has issues with running matches. It's a recurring cycle where after a set amount of players join the server, everyone gets kicked and the round restarts. Anyone sitting in spectator however aren't ejected from the server and observe this behavior. It's ultimately some handshake issue between EA and the server software from the provider.

Don't fall for the bullshit rumor mills that reside on forums like Reddit. I've been saying this for the last week or two, and nothing has changed. Plus if it was a DDoS and you were on the server, everyone would be experiencing extreme rubber-banding and teleporting before ultimately losing connection to the servers. Those looking to join the server wouldn't even be able to connect in the first place if it was a DDoS attack. What we're experiencing is far from being a DDoS attack.
Man in the Middle Attack
Lmao this guy just finds the first retarded picture he can find on the internet and thinks thats what the country is all about
Colored printing was ridiculously expensive and was certainly not used to make a children's book

Get your head outta your ass and stop being a racist prick
I have not. I tend not to pay much attention to politics today if I can help it. I lost any spirit I had left back in 2020.
Literally everything you type is either a half-truth, a purposeful misrepresentation, or a flat out lie, including in this post.

Just stick to writing essays for Reddit. Leave observation of the outside world to those who have eyes with which to see and brains with with to think.

This is you, except you're even more a snivelly faggot, and you're never right about anything:

Literally everything you type is either a half-truth, a purposeful misrepresentation, or a flat out lie, including in this post.

Just stick to writing essays for Reddit. Leave observation of the outside world to those who have eyes with which to see and brains with with to think.

This is you, except you're even more a snivelly faggot, and you're never right about anything:

View attachment 14231
Lol. Seems someone is butthurt about having their little picture investigated.

So I will ask again : who or what is Krasnov? I could google it, of course, but I am more interested in learning what this term means to you and why you think I have some kind of connection or association with it. You think you have me pegged but you have no idea. I bet you think I'm some kind of left-wing progressive, judging by your rancor and history of political statements, but you couldn't be farther from the truth. You should stop making assumptions in life and start asking questions.

Also why are you so insecure about French Canadian jokes?
Lol. Seems someone is butthurt about having their little picture investigated.

So I will ask again : who or what is Krasnov? I could google it, of course, but I am more interested in learning what this term means to you and why you think I have some kind of connection or association with it. You think you have me pegged but you have no idea. I bet you think I'm some kind of left-wing progressive, judging by your rancor and history of political statements, but you couldn't be farther from the truth. You should stop making assumptions in life and start asking questions.

Also why are you so insecure about French Canadian jokes?
ehhh, more Reddit shit.

Leave your zero-sunlight house. Visit India. Nothing I said is false.
Lol. Seems someone is butthurt about having their little picture investigated.

So I will ask again : who or what is Krasnov? I could google it, of course, but I am more interested in learning what this term means to you and why you think I have some kind of connection or association with it. You think you have me pegged but you have no idea. I bet you think I'm some kind of left-wing progressive, judging by your rancor and history of political statements, but you couldn't be farther from the truth. You should stop making assumptions in life and start asking questions.

Also why are you so insecure about French Canadian jokes?

Lmao all these responses on deck and you're gonna feign ignorance on Krasnov?

Comical. But not the well-timed relatable punchline type of comedy, more like the point and laugh at your misfortunate retardation comedy.

Everything about you is insincere and deceptive. Word weasel, baiting the illiterate with your bullshit. I see through you.
ehhh, more Reddit shit.

Leave your zero-sunlight house. Visit India. Nothing I said is false.
You could not pay me enough to visit the shithole that is India. Frankly, it was better off under the Raj. At least then it was ruled by competent people.
Lmao all these responses on deck and you're gonna feign ignorance on Krasnov?

Comical. But not the well-timed relatable punchline type of comedy, more like the point and laugh at your misfortunate retardation comedy.

Everything about you is insincere and deceptive. Word weasel, baiting the illiterate with your bullshit. I see through you.
You're so far off the mark that it's not even funny at this point. It's just plain sad. You are so committed to your own delusions that you can no longer discern fact from fiction. You live in a fantasy world apparently populated by some nefarious "Redditors" ( a site which I do not frequent and never have ; you will of course deny this statement of fact by me because you are incapable of conceiving that something in your mind could somehow be erroneous ) who haunt your every waking moment. You can't see through me. You can't even see your own hand in front of your face.

So once again, what is this Krasnov?