Did it happen to someone else?

Please don't ban me, I didn't take advantage of the situation and I didn't know how either...
This vehicle is supposed to be single player but while I was driving another player was shooting
This vehicle is supposed to be single player but while I was driving another player was shooting

That has been a feature since the game came out.

How to do it:

As the vehicle can be spawned in on a flag, in this case C:

The first player spawns in the vehicle and switches seat to gunner. Now a second player can spawn in the vehicle as the driver. It has always been like this. When either player gets out, you cannot get back in. You might be able to get two players in it again if the remaining player inside drives it to it's spawn location at whichever flag it spawns at. I never tried to get two players back in it.

Hardly an exploit, as the gunner is practically unable to aim while on the move.

TLDR: Classic BF4 game feature, not an exploit imo.
I didnt know that, thank you Mister Tall Phenotype
yeah this is as old school as going out of bounds to make your self a spawn point in rush when behind enemy lines, to using the APS to cause the same glitch by going in to view mode on the APS and coming out of it......even older is FREE ammo in choppers, LAVs, BTRs, and tons of other shit that has a rack system.....fire a single round and reload to get 1 free rack of ammo minus 1 round.....you can even double this effect in things like the LAV by doing it with main gun and ZUNI rockets on second weapon options