Drunk is on his Way!!! BF4


-bZ- Member
Hello gents & ladies,

I am giving fair warning the Drunk is back as I write this I am currently downloading all the content for BF4. It was put on sale today for only $80.28 which includes all expansions with early access to each and bonus content, and I could not pass that deal up at a $30 savings from retail. I hope to see everyone on tonight to do a little killing.

Love me some BANZORE!!!!
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Drunk!  Good to hear!  Looking forward to throwing some nades at you, err, I mean throwing nades to cover your butt?  :mrgreen:
I am but work and Drunk got in the way a little I will be on this week I promise. Problem is it will probably be in the morning or early afternoon.
I am but work and Drunk got in the way a little I will be on this week I promise. Problem is it will probably be in the morning or early afternoon.
=\  You're gonna have to come on sometime in the evening EST or morning/afternoon on sunday as Sunday my only day off!