EA support for map pack issue


-bZ- Member
This took away 2 hrs tonight of my gaming time with my friends

Status: Connected

Clyde (Listening)

Clyde: Hi, my name is Clyde. How may I help you?

2250722210: I need my new purchase manually activated

2250722210: Thank you for ordering from Electronic Arts, Inc. on November 3, 2010. The following email is a summary of your order. Please use this as your proof of purchase. If you paid by credit card, please look for DRI*Electronic Arts on your credit card billing statement.

Your order number is 9024921342.


Medal of Honor™ Hot Zone Map Pack


Clyde: Sorry for late response.

Clyde: Please wait for a while I am having a look on your provided order number.

2250722210: ok thx

Clyde: Well, These are the steps to go for, while you export these games::

Clyde: Exporting Songs from Rock Band 2 (Xbox 360)*:

· Load up Rock Band 3.

· Select "Get More Songs" from the Main Menu of Rock Band 3.

· Select "Redeem Code."

· Enter the code that appears on the back of your Rock Band 2 manual.

o Note: This may be the same code that you used to get the "Bonus Downloadable Tracks."

Clyde: Sorry for provided last two responses.

2250722210: PC version of Medal of Honor

Clyde: Well, I found that it's ready to download and you may get update your game now. But you are not able to get update your game now,

Clyde: Right?

2250722210: right can you manually activate it

2250722210: I do not see where or how to download these maps I purchased

Clyde: I would like to inform you that these are the updates for your game, So once you login into your game using the account information:: [email protected]

Clyde: You will get an new option as "New update is available"

2250722210: I have been playing today and I never got that message will I get it now?

Clyde: Once you update your game, you will automatically get your map into your game or will automatically your ordered pack.

2250722210: I am trying now

Clyde: Ok.

2250722210: I did not get that message when I just tried logging in I logged out and used my password again and I still don't see that I got maps

2250722210: and I have updated my game to latest patch

Clyde: Oh, Ok.

Clyde: Are you still not able to get your map into your game.

2250722210: nope still no map

2250722210: does ea downloader have anything to do with it

2250722210: do youo need my in game persona name

Clyde: Ok, please wait.

Clyde: If you are still facing the same issue, then I would like to suggest you for manually uninstallation and reinstallation of your game.

2250722210: u really suck ***ass with tech help I tell ya
lmfao. what a Tech support person for EA. I wonder how much that guy/gal makes a hour.
I never had any problems with my map pack i just ordered signed in through ea on medal of honor and search for the new maps and i was able just join right in without even install anything beside the patch :idea:
same here, the new update downloads them before u even buy them so they are already installed, they just get activated (not sure if this was your problem or not, sorry if it wasnt)

But yeah ea tech support fails horribly, i feel your pain wiz
WarPaint said:
I never had any problems with my map pack i just ordered signed in through ea on medal of honor and search for the new maps and i was able just join right in without even install anything beside the patch :idea:
lol I uninstalled as suggested and I am re-installing COD4 so I can play that with ya guys and I will give medal of honor another try I hope I don't lose my BANZORE DOT COM ID