for educational purposes, I not sure if this is allow or not ? This guy stay there for a long time, killing everyone. Also moving to the other areas.

I'm going to say no this isn't something that can be done legitimately and is not allowed.

Do you have any additional information you can provide? Video, or a fullscreen screenshot that isn't cropped like the one above? I'd like to look into this matter further.
I was looking into the original OBS output video and yes somehow is cropped as well. I am not sure why. But on 1:52 the screen shows more but still a little cropped. I was working while OBS was recording on the background. No sure if that was the problem or if it's a bad configuration profile on my end.
I can sense a banhammer coming down in
You sensed correctly!

I discussed this amongst the other admins, and while you are still vulnerable to taking damage, it's a spot that gives a massive advantage to the player for getting kills up there and shouldn't be accessible. The method of getting there is still questionable, but we've decided that the position shouldn't be permittable on our servers.
I Recommend letting Crank know about this. As a warning, he mentioned something about he doing that was ok because he was visible and shouldn't be a problem. I guest he was doing this thinking it was ok. So I hope he doesn't get banned for this but that he understand that it's not allowed.
As I mentioned I wanted to ask because from me point of view it was a not fair position and its important to know what can and can't be done.
Thanks for your time guys
O well thats a really bad idea allowing this to be ok. As it will be chaos from now on. I can personally tell you that you are not able to see anyone there, you will only noticed when you are already dead and the kill cam shows you. Without mentioning the use of airburst while you are there is just crazy. But well thanks for you time anyways. Hopefully your other admins can reconsider their decision.
This spot has been known for a while. You can still easily kill the person up there. Plus it's only a problem if you're retarded and rush into the meat grinder at Charlie. Flank around outside or underneath, cap A/E and B/D and leave him sitting there with his thumb up his ass while your team wins the match.
I understand that you are a smart person . But when you are at B flag and someone is on the top of those poles, but the other side, they are able to see you but you are not able to see them from B flag. you will be kill and you are not able to see nobody from there. But hey, I guess I am just a stupid person and will leave it at that. Have a good night.
that and the logic here directly contradicts the ruling on the glitch spot in the side of the tower in dawnbreaker since that spot you cant shoot out unless you leave it and expose yourself to being shot in return.
I understand that you are a smart person . But when you are at B flag and someone is on the top of those poles, but the other side, they are able to see you but you are not able to see them from B flag. you will be kill and you are not able to see nobody from there. But hey, I guess I am just a stupid person and will leave it at that. Have a good night.
Are you saying you can shoot at the cafeteria area at B from that scaffolding without being shot at from the same area? If that is the case then I can see the issue. The video only showed him shooting at Charlie unless I missed something. You can't shoot him from Charlie but as long as he can't shoot through the wall into Charlie I again do not see the issue. There are plenty of places in plenty of maps that you can shoot explosives and other indirect fire weapons without being shot at from the target area : that's the entire point of indirect fire. You can kill the guy up there if you can get to a spot where you can see him.

As far as Dawnbreaker is concerned I think it's a shitty map in general but I believe the issue with that spot is that you can not see the person in the glitch spot or respond to them at all. It's similar to the hovercraft glitch in that you can potentially become an invisible, undetectable spawn beacon.
When he first killed be I was at B and he was on the same light poles but to the right side looking into B. I was only able to see him because of the kill cam. Tried a few times never saw him until he killed me again. That's why I when into spectator mode but he was already on the side looking at C. I just stay recording for a few minutes because I had other things to do. But yes he move around all that area on top of the lights and look and shoot all the way to B flag. And you won't be able to see him at all. You can try it yourself and confirm it.
When he first killed be I was at B and he was on the same light poles but to the right side looking into B. I was only able to see him because of the kill cam. Tried a few times never saw him until he killed me again. That's why I when into spectator mode but he was already on the side looking at C. I just stay recording for a few minutes because I had other things to do. But yes he move around all that area on top of the lights and look and shoot all the way to B flag. And you won't be able to see him at all. You can try it yourself and confirm it.
I see. I have not seen that myself but it definitely sounds exploitative.