Welcome to Banzore!

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-bZ- Member
Hey guys

since Alex is joining I might as well too.

Considering my old clan ~FS~ is dying and not part of DayZ I left them sadly

we were only left to 3 - 5 active members at night time for 3 hours only.

I Like to be part of a community that will stay active and this clan seems seriously healthy.

Im a 25 year old Irish American living in Henderson, NV. Not working but currently looking for a job while enjoying DayZ atm.

Hope yall will accept me ^_^


-bZ- Member
He sure likes the Winchester and ammo


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Right on, Freak! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your stay!


-bZ- Member
Mate, the Winchester is part of American history as a great Rifle. I gotta keep that history alive somehow ^_^