Online Video Game Rentals


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Got an email from Direct2Drive (kind of like a steam thing) that said they were moving to Game Fly, which is a kind of Netflix for console folks.

Then I noticed that they were renting PC games for free with membership. It looks like membership is as low as $8 per month or something like that. I didn't really get into the details too much with this, but with the membership, you can rent PC games for an unlimited time as part of your membership.

What is Unlimited PC Play? Can I play these games for free?The GameFly Client has hundreds of titties labeled as "∞" for "Unlimited PC Play." This library of titties is free for GameFly members and trial members to download and play as long as membership is active. If you're new to GameFly, you can start your free trial now to play these titties for free in the Client! When signing up for GameFly, please use the same e-mail address that you use on Direct2Drive; this will help us connect your accounts in the future.

$8 bucks a month is $96 every year.

One video game is $60. One video game a month is $720.

I don't know what restrictions or available titties are, but that's a crazy good deal if you like playing a bunch of different games.