HC TDM Server


-bZ- Member
Just wanted to say thanks to all you guys helping pop while I'm not there. Also, for the support from all of you.
yah mang - thank YOU for donating a server to our organization. It is doing real well and hopefully it will bring in even more skilled players into our community!
Yeah I agree.

Also I need to work on this type of fighting
Suggestion for the HC TDM server: adaptive ticket size.  I'm completely sold on high ticket count servers, but it helps with the server has more players.  Otherwise the game can drraaaaaaaaaaag on for almost the full hour.  Consider adding the ProCon plugin that changes the ticket count based on the number of players at the start of the map?

Just a thought.
Post an update here when you guys finally get tired of the Zavod "night" map and put others back into your server's rotation, please.  I like your server, but the Graveyard Shift thing is a pile of crap.