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How long does an appeal take

I heard it takes time.


-bZ- Member
if you're being kicked by punkbuster you either caught a ban violation or your punkbuster client is not working correctly. I would suggest researching a few things on punkbuster reinstallation to solve your issue, unless you have a ban
Mr. L. Luciano, I am not an admin here but just trying to help. If you were kicked by punkbuster, it's not an issue on Banzore's end. It may not even be a Punkbuster issue.

Many times, your game files may get corrupted, including the Punkbuster files. I can recommend two fixes that have helped me with random Punkbuster issues in the past years. You could and should do both.

First, open Origin, and "repair" your game install. EA software will parse your installed game, and potentially fix corrupted files. You do this by selecting your game, left or right-clicking the gear icon and selecting "Repair". Depending on the speed of your drive, this could take 5 minutes to an hour, and will repair each and every campaign pack as well. You will have to click a few things to allow it to continue as it scans each campaign.


Second, go to this link https://www.evenbalance.com/pbsetup.php and download/run the Punkbuster software for your Operating System It will find your BF4 install, and update all the files.

Good luck, and I hope this solves your issue.