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how to change you ingame name in bf3


-bZ- Member
done and done


-bZ- Member
Thanks Hilli that was easy!


You've successfully changed your Origin ID to -bZ-Wiz-A-PP.


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Don't forget to edit your profile to take your other tags off so you're not [bZ]-bZ-YOUR NAME


-bZ- Member


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
I agree with Hilly. Since we have the option, we should all be consistent with our tags. In order to have the "-bZ-" as our tags, it has to be part of our name. Otherwise, just inputting "bZ" into our profile results in "[bZ]".

Some members already made their names -bZ-NAME, while others of us had [bZ]NAME. Since we can change our names, it makes sense to keep it all the same.

As for recruits, they could certainly change their name to -bZr-NAME and drop the "r" when they become full fledged members.