You are looking at Game-Monitor on the left showing the server I'm in as full with 64/64 dudes.
The thing in the middle is Mumble (a public positional TS type thing) that is full with about 64 people in it.
The third thing on the right is our TS showing just me with two AFK'ers.
I was just pointing out that while it may look like I'm in PR all by myself, I'm gaming with a whole bunch of dudes just waiting to be recruited. It looks like this every single day, although it starts to peter out late at night. Here is a link to the game-monitor. ... r_NEW.html
I had Plaino in PR with me the other day, and I think we gamed for about 7 hours. At least that's what my wife said. I really have no recollection of time. I sure wish I had some more BZ guys to get shit started.
Hillbilly join the dark side...ahem I mean PR. CR8Z taught me just the basics on a training server and I had alot of fun. Towards the end of the night we got in a real server and that was fun too. I must say its the game of game i prefer, you have to use your head and strategy to win not just a twitchy finger, if you like that type of game then you must try it.