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Is This A "Nice" Glitch Or A "Naughty" Glitch?


-bZ- Member
Probably a wall glitch. That's old school cheetin right there. You put a beacon close to a wall/object and sometimes people spawn inside the wall/object. Usually you can't fire out and it is extremely bad form if you do.

IMHO firing for kills from such a position would be ban-worthy.
I did some quick googling and it looks like you can just crawl into it or something? Reminds me of that Dawnbreaker one overlooking C where snipers hide sometimes...
No need for a beacon to go into this object. This stone lion isn't always there when Tower C comes down, but when he's there, although I don't do it, I know it's possible to walk through it and when you try to destroy it, it rebuilds immediately. It really is a weird bug. Hiding there to kill enemies is no different from other glitches abuse. At a minimum, the player should be advised that this is prohibited. Because honestly, even for a regular on the Shanghai server, this bug surprises a lot and can arouse curiosity.


-bZ- Member
Just checked out the glitch. Yes, you can crawl under the statue from pretty much any direction.
No, you cannot just fire from under the statue without exposing yourself. So not a rule violating glitch IMHO.
BUT...it would be a handy place to hide from an attack heli if you want to cap C.
In the video, the person appears to be firing from inside the geometry. This is not ok. Just because it can be crawled into it doesn't make it legal especially if you are hiding behind a poorly programmed sprite.
And hiding in a glitch, even just to capture a flag or serve as a spawn point is punishable to my knowledge. There are other places in Shanghai where it's possible to hide and even see through walls (ex : when you fall under the map), and I avoid those places like the plague. I've seen people get banned for this sort of thing.


-bZ- Member
In the video, the person appears to be firing from inside the geometry. This is not ok. Just because it can be crawled into it doesn't make it legal especially if you are hiding behind a poorly programmed sprite.

Try it out for yourself and just shoot at nearby concrete or something (not another player!). You'll see that you have to get outside to actually do anything. Perhaps you might be partly covered but not fully. In any case using this for kills would be 100% wrong.