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Kicked for this? Pls Explain


-bZ- Member
Hard to tell based on the lack of context, but we have zero control over FairFight. I'd probably suggest looking into the Battlefield 4 forums to see if other people have had the same problem. Looking for specific maps and which area it was can often lead to an answer.


-bZ- Member
generally it means you were in a known "glitched" area. and fairfight hammered you for it.


-bZ- Member
well fairfight knows a lot of map glitches. the explosion might also have thrown u into one. well anyway, thats fairfight for ya.good luck lol
This is why we have certain areas we deemed "glitch areas" not just because it is an unfair spot but also because FairFight will target you if they catch you in that spot. (instead of just fixing the spot =_= ) You might of spawned on someone or something a round or so prior. Keep in mind that Fairfight is system but there is also players from them that play and ban people as well. If it was from FF then you have to take it up with them it is not from us.