Latest and Greatest Gaming Keyboard and Mice


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
What is the latest and greatest? What are ya'll using and what do you recommend?
I see you like the Imperator on facebook. Do you use it or the Adder?

I'm rolling with a Death Adder and a G15 right now. The G15 is already squeaking with certain keys, which I've never actually had happen with any other keyboard. I can just tell that the keyboard is dying soon, and I've only had it about a year.

The Death Adder is still doing well, but the feet need to be replaced or something, because they just get sticky as hell no matter how much I clean them and my Exact Mat. It's also about a year old.

I will probably also get one of those larger mouse pads that look pretty cool. ... B002PIL22A

I am rocking this headset and it rocks. However, I am a fan of Corsair products.
Aubi uses the Razer Lycosa keyboard with Razer Black Mamba and Thermaltake Flare mouse pad. She also uses the Logitech G35 headset.

I use the Logitech G15 keyboard with Razer Lachesis and Ion Technologies 4-port USB Mouse pad. I use the Creative Fatality and Turtlebeach Ear Force X1.

I've had my G15 for 3 years now. I guess my gentle Asian fingers don't mess up keyboards ;) .
The squeaking keys are starting to bug me.

I was never that impressed with the G15 because I never use the LCD stuff on the keyboard. It was just more processes running in the background and they would crash as often as not, so I just turned it all off rendering my special keyboard useless.

I think I will go with the Lycosa keyboard, and stick with the Death Adder until I find the "right" mouse.
After listening to everybody talk about their various setups, I did something kind of random and got a Microsoft Gaming Keyboard. ... -_-Product

It was only $52, and had 148 reviews with 5 eggs. No other keyboard came close to that. Also, I have a Microsoft joystick that still rocks after almost 10 years of jerking around with it.

I will let you know how it goes.

PS - I'm still on the hunt for a new mouse.