Meme channel

Everyone these days says that everyone else is a Nazi because they have a different political view.
A time ago i started a thread about evolution, political view evolve with the person’s belief an the moment they’re passing through they life. When that political view has something in common with something from the past will be seeing like that.
Evolution is everything, nothing will be like in the past, therefore, we have to adapt to new times and what people requieres. Conservaties know shit about what people needs, they only care about how their income is growing up, fuck that 1%
A time ago i started a thread about evolution, political view evolve with the person’s belief an the moment they’re passing through they life. When that political view has something in common with something from the past will be seeing like that.
Evolution is everything, nothing will be like in the past, therefore, we have to adapt to new times and what people requieres. Conservaties know shit about what people needs, they only care about how their income is growing up, fuck that 1%

So, if I understand you correctly, then what you're saying is change is all. Nothing but motion.

Hmm, yes, very wise
A time ago i started a thread about evolution, political view evolve with the person’s belief an the moment they’re passing through they life. When that political view has something in common with something from the past will be seeing like that.
Evolution is everything, nothing will be like in the past, therefore, we have to adapt to new times and what people requieres. Conservaties know shit about what people needs, they only care about how their income is growing up, fuck that 1%
Bruther u Sound like Obummer. We need change change change change.

Well nobody is saying that all that change is good change. Accepting change just because it’s something new or different is progressivism and boy what way it is to ruin the nation. It was useful in the past but progressivism one major downside is that IT NEVER STOPS. Even if your nation perfect progressives will try to make changes where they are not needed.

Also if you really hang out in conservative circles the younger ones are much more different than the older ones. The older ones have a more favorable view of the 1% The Younger ones are more “America First” and can see how their futures ruin by the gov and mega corps.


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Bruther u Sound like Obummer. We need change change change change.

Well nobody is saying that all that change is good change. Accepting change just because it’s something new or different is progressivism and boy what way it is to ruin the nation. It was useful in the past but progressivism one major downside is that IT NEVER STOPS. Even if your nation perfect progressives will try to make changes where they are not needed.

Also if you really hang out in conservative circles the younger ones are much more different than the older ones. The older ones have a more favorable view of the 1% The Younger ones are more “America First” and can see how their futures ruin by the gov and mega corps.

The older ones have a more favorable view of the 1%

I'm actually indifferent to wealthy people so long as they came by their wealth honestly.

See, one of the utter hypocrisies with the liberal class warriors is they hate "rich capitalists" all while giving a free pass to rich basketball players, rappers, baseball players, football players, billionaire sports team owners, billionaire lefties like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and etc. And tons of these people came by their fortunes through direct government contracts, government subsidies and government tax breaks.

Money that could have been put to use improving schools and health care.

But some guy who builds a plumbing business into a successful enterprise? Yeah, fuck that guy! :rolleyes:
I'm actually indifferent to wealthy people so long as they came by their wealth honestly.

See, one of the utter hypocrisies with the liberal class warriors is they hate "rich capitalists" all while giving a free pass to rich basketball players, rappers, baseball players, football players, billionaire sports team owners, billionaire lefties like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and etc. And tons of these people came by their fortunes through direct government contracts, government subsidies and government tax breaks.

Money that could have been put to use improving schools and health care.

But some guy who builds a plumbing business into a successful enterprise? Yeah, fuck that guy! :rolleyes:
I don’t think you can pin the “free pass” thinking to one side as there’s plenty who do so on each. There’s “proper” individuals on both sides but the majority are hypocrites either way.

This is why I reject the party system as all it does is occupies the working class into fighting each other while the government sits there and laughs at the infighting between neighbors. Your views are your own but I feel that anyone who identifies with either party, especially those with a blind unwavering trust that sees those with differing views as the enemy or who likes to blame them for everything bad ie those who say “(insert party name)-tards” are part of the problem. Developing a hatred for someone with differing views isn’t helping anyone, they’re just helping the government further take control by dividing the people due to ego and pride.
This is why I reject the party system

Reject it all you want. People will naturally gravitate to like-minded people who share certain things in common.

In this much there is no difference between the Democrat party or Banzore. They are associations of people who express their individual interests by forming a collective.

It is the nature of human beings to do so.
In this much there is no difference between the Democrat party or Banzore. They are associations of people who express their individual interests by forming a collective.
The bz Discord is like the perfect epitome of this statement. It's like a weird cult of like 10 bz members that shit on any new people that join. I haven't seen half those people play BF4 but they hang out on Discord 24/7 and will be the first ones to either help or be an edgelord to depending on the mood. The regular players that play there are the real heros tho.
The whole system is a Ponzi scheme. The house of cards is falling apart before our eyes. Capitalism had a good, what, 100 year run? 100 years to kill the planet and humanity. Truly the best system of all time. Race-to-the-bottom speedrun.

My niece and those her age will see the collapse in their lifetime, then it's back to the forests and savannah for us, and we dont have to have this silly argument again.

Innovation may be additive, but solution is reductive.
Capitalism provided for people to escape the tyranny of monarchic feudalism and theocracy. Political liberty was followed by economic liberty and capitalism arose naturally.

No country needs to impose capitalism on happens organically.

What has to be imposed is everything else. Socialism, fascism, communism...all must be imposed by force on at least some segment of the population.
