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-bZ- Member
There's some sheriff down that way who is crazy as a shit house rat and seizing relief supplies from everyone. Fucking insane.
The best I am seeing on the "Queen City News" is the guy is an idiot. So he threatens people who are helping and then the next day comes back and asks these people to help.

The term "badge heavy" comes to mind here. Cops who exercise power just for lulz.
There are assholes in every profession. the ones that deal with taking away one's freedom that get the most attention (rightfully so, dont get me wrong). While I agree that there is some serious dumbfuckery going on, i offer another view regarding the rescue effort.

If you are responsible for a rescue operation, you have to juggle many things at the same time. While noble and genuine in their efforts, those people who freelance volunteer MAY BECOME LIABILITIES themselves, redirecting rescue efforts to them instead of people needing them in the first place.

I think the handling of the whole scenario has been absolute shit (i am well versed in fema US&R procedures and such). My statement isnt an excuse or making light of the response. It's just another data pont to consider when looking in from the outside.