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New Game Of The Week Channel


-bZ- Member
OK, for those that don't know or have noticed yet have not had the chance to stop in and say hello, I'm DREAMAZING a current member for about the last 3 months now or close and have noticed that while BanZore is heavily geared towards Battlefield, we have a ton of members that play all sorts of games yet not many play them together or are very spread out. So in hopes of trying to get more games to pop here then just the two or three me and a few friends and members are branching out to new titles like Atlas Reactor, Battlerites, ESL (Elder Scrolls Online ) and Miscreated just to name a few.

Down near the bottom of TS3 you will see a channel called Game Of The Week this is a spot we asked to be made for games that are like Free to play or free beta's and so forth to test or just chill on see if we like them or if there is a good outlook for the community to host or maybe look into on and so forth kinda like a test realm for multiple games for all types or those free to plays that come out every week or so. This way we don't have game channels added all over ts for games that are just a weekly or monthly fad or what not for those that tend to just test a game for a min or blow through games this is a good spot for ya. Also for anyone in the community wanting to test maybe a new free to play moba or fps game or what not while its in beta or just want to see what its like then hit us up and we can play with you, download it and see if its even worth maybe getting or trying to recruit in and so forth it might just be a BanZore Must have.

So if you see us down there its mainly cause we are trying out new things being we do a lot of variety gaming or maybe your looking for some people to team in a certain game if we own it we are always down to party up also for those free to play game fans we do a ton so stop in share your knowledge of up coming games or post it here and we can maybe test it out right along with ya.

Each week we are going to try to play something new or different unless we find a real gem that is worth exploring more but either way if your into F2P games or just want to play something different or experience something maybe you haven't yet then hop down and Join us

I will be posting the new Weekly Game here in the other games channel so you all know what game we are testing or messing with that week. All suggestions are welcome as well!
