
1. Your In-game name:-bz-Novok-R

2. YOUR AGE:23

3. Location:Canada,Saguenay

4. What games you play: COD 4

5. Are you currently banned from any servers? Nope

6. Describe your usual gameplay: Long range;camp,kill 1 then move

7. What is the reason that you want to join -bZ- gaming club ? Looks kool

8. PB_GUID: and/or STEAM ID: (If you do not know the PB_GUID, please ask one of us and we will be happy to give it to you)

9 .Prior Clan Experience: Once(XFS)

10. Prior League Experience: None

11.Additional Information:Yeah i'm french canadian,Knock yourselves out! And I love BEER!!

12.Availability for play: Almost Anytime
welcome and have fun. hope to kill u later :D
Hey, I'm just quoting what you said via the quote button. Those must be your secret thoughts.
Now I'm getting an error message that says I can't quote 3 quotes in one. WTF?