promotional items

Every Day Carrymutha fuckin droidz
yeah, that. Small folder that you can carry in your pocket, like dis...


Cuba and Pinecone are going to be making some new scales (grips or handles) for these types of knifes, maybe they can come up with something for bZ members only. Just a thought of course.
great idea I would support this! And Sling I will earn that patch for riding to Sturgis!
dont have a motorcycle, and after this past month I dont have enough vacation for a week long sturgis trip. soooo, guess im out of that.
Cuba said:
Cuba said:
still have quite a few shirts and a toque i think, in stock. Will go and count and report better numbers than that.
We still have the following items in stock from the last promotion

5 - Large T-shirts

5 - XLarge T-shirts

1 - 2XLarge T-shirt

1 - 3XLarge T-shirt

1 toque
1 Xlarge shirt and ill take the last toque

need info so i can send ya tha $$$$

please and thanks :mrgreen:
rgr thanks much sir! Not at my computer atm will have to do it when i get home from in-laws house.
Should have asked him to fill out an app.

- A gift from Gawd. You're welcome.