Proof my ban and what I said about BigBagOfSwag

No idea what is up ptero's ass.. bZ is a great community. No complaints really.. swag and neo are fair dudes who i tease with. I have fun on the servers, put people in their place.. fluff still a bitch, but it's all fun and games at the end of the day! Anywho, enjoy playing somewhere else.. bf 4 is dying and limited servers.. won't be another game like this I don't believe.. so cherish it while you can!
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has anyone considered that all posts have left out that the administrations name has BigBad in it?

Pterodactyl- we love you man and wish you could be back right now. I would talk shit and say the Northmen sucks - don’t go to a movie theater.

But.. the admins name is BigBadBagofSwag. You keep forgetting the bad part.

I’ll shut up-I’m drunk and got in argument with my wife that adhd doesn’t exsist as I over here my cat filling a clean liter box.
