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Question on bans?

Is there a clock with a countdown for the length of the temp ban? I know what the admins have told me, just curious. I'd like to join ASAP but also to view my shame. MY SHAME NEEDS A COUNTDOWN. Serious question, sorry if I am stoopid.


Think you can get a timer in the kick reason if you join through battlelog instead of in-game launchers, might be wrong tho
If you are banned it's permanent, how it works here.
difference is i know what i did was wrong, and didnt even know it was a temp ban. You acted like a fucking child, apparently consistently. So no, not how it works here. And if it fucking did, its their fucking server, with their fucking rules. You look like you been bitchin everywhere, and yeah im slightly salty bout mine, but it is just. You are the console players of old, and I glad you perma banned.
TLDR propkiller u mad? Get trolled


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