Reality Studios Acquired by EA!!!


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
So this is actually pretty big news. EA has acquired the group that puts out Project Reality. They have done this in part to bring them into the development of Battlefield 3.

In addition to better realism, weapons, vehicles, AND TEAMWORK, they will also be working on providing modding tools for BF3 and 128 player servers.

They are also discontinuing work on the BF2-PR mod and the ArmaII-PR mod to focus on the development of BF3 and Project Reality 2; a stand-alone game.

I am a little sad that BF2 PR will be no more, but I am also very excited that I will have a lot more to look forward to and will have much higher expectations.

Read all about it here: ... ition.html
I may have been fucked by an April Fool's joke. It's still March here, but I guess it's April 1st somewhere else in the world.
Well, it may yet prove to be true.

If you read the release, you will have seen that they have canceled the PR mod for the game ArmaII.

This was also released on the same day.

This other MOD team bought the work that the PR team has done and will release their own mod for ArmaII.

There may be some truth in there yet.
So If they are now working on BF3, maybe you wont constantly talk about PR when we are all playing BF3. WIN WIN If you ask me! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D