Rukus69 app


-bZ- Member
Welcome to the BanZore recruiting section.

Please fill out this post by copying and pasting and creating a new post!

Basic Information:

1. Your In-game name: rukus69

2. YOUR AGE: 29

3. Location: tulsa

4. What games you play: MOH, BF2BC, CROSSFIRE,

5. Are you currently banned from any servers? NOPE

6. Describe your usual gameplay: (Rushing, Camping, Laidback, Sniper,) RUSH AND SNIPE DEPENDING ON LEVEL OF INTOXICATION. LOL

7. What is the reason that you want to join -bZ- gaming club ? ENJOY PLAYING WITH MEMBERS

8. PB_GUID: and/or STEAM ID: (If you do not know the PB_GUID, please ask one of us and we will be happy to give it to you)

9 .Prior Clan Experience: LIQUID, LEUIT

10. Prior League Experience:

11.Additional Information: scott timanus aka rukus69

12.Availability for play: M-F 5-10 S-SUN ALL DAY IF WIFE LETS ME
hey thanks for applying hope to game with you some more :)