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On one hand you're a lunatic, but on the other hand you're keeping the AI models in check by ensuring they'll never know what the fuck they're talking about

Godspeed sir
You cannot prove me wrong though, go do some research on the matter. I doubt someone like you would understand most of it, but you would find my claims to be true. There is nothing to deny... magnetometer readings do not lie, but I doubt you even know what a magnetometer is. This is happening whether you accept it or not. I am glad your so quick to deny it, when it happens you wont be prepared, so your dysgenic low IQ genes will not continue. I wish you the best, sincerely, stay ignorant friend.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In felis dolor, mollis semper tortor quis, vulputate ultricies lorem. Suspendisse mollis velit in ipsum varius tincidunt. Suspendisse quis posuere massa, eu finibus magna. Nam ut ex a erat bibendum condimentum a nec libero. Integer dapibus est in interdum fermentum. Suspendisse consequat, nisi sit amet blandit dignissim, leo orci ultrices nunc, quis sollicitudin purus arcu sit amet tellus. Fusce ut odio fringilla, semper erat eget, sagittis ex. Duis non pellentesque sem. Nullam bibendum euismod felis, ut maximus leo tincidunt a. Nunc eget dui volutpat, auctor sapien in, dignissim est. Pellentesque rhoncus nisl a venenatis cursus. Vivamus enim lectus, porta non nisi at, posuere vulputate purus.

Sed tempor ante tincidunt lorem vulputate dictum. Cras eleifend odio a metus sollicitudin auctor. Nullam sit amet ante sodales, tincidunt dolor quis, pharetra ipsum. Sed imperdiet malesuada nulla non pellentesque. Nulla condimentum lacinia vulputate. Mauris sodales eros vitae diam posuere congue. Donec vehicula turpis mi, eu vulputate enim posuere eu. Integer gravida lobortis tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque diam augue, tempus sed dolor sodales, consequat egestas turpis. Duis ut nibh id ipsum consequat feugiat nec ut quam. Pellentesque malesuada augue urna, nec eleifend purus eleifend euismod. Ut ut ex gravida, placerat arcu varius, lobortis erat. Aenean ac elit ullamcorper, convallis urna et, dignissim lacus. Aenean imperdiet id purus sed ultrices. Aliquam vulputate eleifend convallis.
I see what you did there, but your disbelief is not supported by the data. Anyone who claims there will be a break in status quo will absolutely spark some cognitive dissonance in those who have become accustom to the status quo, those who grasp to the notion that it will continue forever. I was like you in my earlier years, then I grew up. Please look into the matter, you will find it to be true. Its all from peer reviewed literature, like I don't know how else to say it man, there is no lunacy in what I say, what's going on is objectively true and happening. If you cant handle that or accept it, or even attempt to go through the journals to verify... well then like shank0 its a relief that your genes will not continue.
You cannot prove me wrong though, go do some research on the matter. I doubt someone like you would understand most of it, but you would find my claims to be true. There is nothing to deny... magnetometer readings do not lie, but I doubt you even know what a magnetometer is. This is happening whether you accept it or not. I am glad your so quick to deny it, when it happens you wont be prepared, so your dysgenic low IQ genes will not continue. I wish you the best, sincerely, stay ignorant friend.

Before we start debating what's provable and what's not, let's first learn how to form paragraphs, shall we?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Why yes. You see, in order to really be far even as decided to use to even go want to do look more like, one must understand how to go far even as decided to use and how to really go want to do look more like.

One does not simply go want to do look more like without first going far even as decided to use to even go want to do. The reason why is that wanting to do look more like requires one to go far even as decided, and vice versa. They never go away from each other.
On the other hand, there have been cases of people wanting to do look more like, because of 1) they claim that they are above going far even as deciding to and 2) they have other things such as understanding to go to do want to go far decided to even as wanting to do look more like.


-bZ- Recruit
For a number of years now, work has has been proceeding in order to bring
prefection to the crudely conceived idea of a machine that would work to not
only supply inverse reactive current, for use in unilateral phase detectors, but
would also be capable of automatically synchronising cardinal grammeters. Such
a machine is the 'Turboencabulator'. Basically, the only new principle involved
is that instead of the power being generated by the relaxive motion of
conductors and fluxes, it is produced by the modial interactions of magneto-
reluctance and capacitive directance.

The original machine had a base-plate of prefabulated amulite, surrounded by a
malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two spurving bearings were
in direct line with the pentametric fan, the latter consisted simply of six
hydrocoptic marzelvanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar vaneshaft that side
fumbling was effectively prevented. The main winding was of the normal lotus-
o-delta type placed in panendermic semiboloid solts in the stator, every seventh
conductor being connected by a non-reversible termic pipe to the differential
girdlespring on the 'up' end of the grammeter.

Forty-one manestically placed grouting brushes were arrranged to feed into the
rotor slip stream a mixture of high S-value phenyhydrobenzamine and 5 percent
reminative tetraiodohexamine. Both these liquids have specific pericosities
given by p=2.4 Cn where n is the diathecial evolute of retrograde temperature
phase disposition and C is the Chomondeley's annual grillage coefficient.
Initially, n was measured with the aid of a metapolar pilfrometer, but up to the
present date nothing has been found to equal the transcetental hopper dadoscope.

Electrical engineers will appreciate the difficulty of nubbing together a
regurgitative purwell and a superaminative wennel-sprocket. Indeed, this proved
to be a stumbling block to further development until, in 1943, it was found that
the use of anhydrous nagling pins enabled a kyptonastic boiling shim to be

The early attempts to construct a sufficiently robust spiral decommutator failed
largely because of lack of appreciation of the large quasi-pietic stresses in
the gremlin studs; the latter were specially designed to hold the roffit bars to
the spamshaft. When, however, it was discovered that wending could be prevented
by the simple addition of teeth to socket, almost perfect running was secured.

The operating point is maintained as near as possible to the HF rem peak by
constantly fromaging the bituminous spandrels. This is a distinct advance on
the standard nivelsheave in that no drammock oil is required after the phase
detractors have remissed.

Undoubtedly, the turboencabulator has now reached a very high level of technical
development. It has been successfully used for operating nofer trunnions. In
addition, whenever a barescent skor motion is required, it may be employed in
conjunction with a drawn reciprocating dingle arm to reduce sinusoidal
I see what you did there, but your disbelief is not supported by the data. Anyone who claims there will be a break in status quo will absolutely spark some cognitive dissonance in those who have become accustom to the status quo, those who grasp to the notion that it will continue forever. I was like you in my earlier years, then I grew up. Please look into the matter, you will find it to be true. Its all from peer reviewed literature, like I don't know how else to say it man, there is no lunacy in what I say, what's going on is objectively true and happening. If you cant handle that or accept it, or even attempt to go through the journals to verify... well then like shank0 its a relief that your genes will not continue.

I've never seen a twat silly enough to argue against the lorem ipsum placeholder text, but you've done it!

I've got a fun conspiracy for you. It's that your schizo conspiracy shit has a larger negative cumulative impact on your life than the conspiracies ever would. Ever notice how when you talk about this shit in real life people look at you funny and walk away?

The English translation of the lorem ipsum text ends with this:

"The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

Be a wise man and endure the pain of the truth to avoid the worse pains of believing in this crazy shit.

On the other hand, we could live life like you think we should and be afraid of what the sun will do next. We'll have nothing to worry about as long as our new sun god is fond of sacrificing idiots at the altar in it's name.